Rev. Linda Wimmer
Grace and peace to you from our triune God! I am excited to have been called as your new pastor here at Borgund, Minnesota Valley and Zion. I’m happy to return to southwestern Minnesota, my home synod, and an area I’ve lived in before. Born and raised in Edmonton, Canada, where I still have family, I moved to the United States in order to attend graduate school at the University of Minnesota in the Twin Cities. Later I spent a year as faculty at the University of Minnesota—Morris before accepting faculty positions in the Massachusetts state college system and later in Marshall at what is now Southwest Minnesota State University. I began the candidacy process for ordained ministry in the Southwestern Minnesota synod when I was a member of Sillerud Lutheran Church in northern Murray County. I attended seminary at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. I served my internship at a detached parish in western North Carolina. My first call was to a three point parish in the Western North Dakota synod.
I am very much looking forward to beginning my call here. Throughout the call process that brought me here, I had a sense of being Spirit-led. I trust that “the one who began a good work in you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6). I am grateful that Vicar Sara will be my partner in ministry for the next several months. I’m also thankful to begin ministry with you at the time the Tri-Church agreement has formally become permanent. I am very thankful for the help and hospitality I’ve experienced in moving to and starting to get settled in Appleton. I look forward to getting to know you and the community, and exploring together the possibilities for ministry and mission God has in mind for us here and now, and going forward. God bless and guide our ministry together.
In Christ, Pastor Linda