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Children's Ministry




To parents of young children:
May we suggest...Relax! God put the Wiggle in children, don't feel you have to suppress it in God's house. ALL ARE WELCOME! Sit towards the front where it is easier for the little ones to see what's going on. They tire of seeing the backs of heads. Explain the parts of the service and actions of the minister, lay readers, musicians, communion assistants, etc. Sing the hymns, pray, and voice the responses. Children learn liturgical behavior by copying you. If you have to leave the service with your child, feel free, but please come back. Jesus said, "Let the children come to me." Remember that the way we welcome children into church directly affects the way they respond to the Church, to God, and to one another. Let them know that they are at home in this house of worship.

To the members of Zion:
The presence of children is a gift to the Church and they are a reminder that our congregation is growing. Please welcome our children and give a smile of encouragement to their parents.


To the children:


Christmas Program

December 2022

During Christmastime, all Zion Sunday Schoolers are invited to gather to sing songs and tell the story of our Savior’s birth.


Confirmation Youth


10 Commandments


Sunday School

Sundays during the school year

Students will be dismissed after the children’s sermon to go to the Fireside Room for Sunday School. Parents may pick up their child(ren) after church service is complete.


Vacation Bible School


We are excited for Rainforest Explorers VBS 2022! VBS will run Sunday, July 31st through Wednesday, August 3rd. This is going to be a whole community event with the first two evenings hosted at Trinity Lutheran Church in Appleton and the second two evenings at Zion Lutheran Church in Appleton. VBS will go from 5-8pm each evening.


​5-5:30 each evening will be a free meal for VBS kiddos and volunteers. VBS is open to kids ages preschool through 6th grade. VBS is totally FREE and open to all children. We ask that a parent attends with any preschool aged children.

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