“Why are we having communion every week?”
We have been celebrating the sacrament of Holy Communion every Sunday for the past three months. Bishop Craig spent a significant amount of time educating us on the importance of this sacrament and Martin Luther’s expectation was that this gift be given and received by all as often as possible (daily). Read: Luke 22-24, John 6, 1 Corinthians 10-11, Mark 14, Matthew 26.
Bishop Craig petitioned the Bishop of SW MN Dee Pedersen, who granted me the ability to preside over the sacrament of Holy Communion as a Synodically Authorized Minister through October 1 of 2022. I had asked for this blessing four times of the previous Bishop and was denied. On October 31, 2021 I presided over the elements for the first time, and it was very meaningful for me. Since that time, we have provided this sacrament at each service and individuals in each congregation have been trained and prepared to deliver home communion. When Pastor Steve joined us, he was pleased to see that we were honoring this sacrament, by providing it each week in all three congregations.
Lately, a question has arose regarding why we are offering this sacrament each week and does the frequency diminishes its value. This is a good question and a great discussion piece; therefore, I choose to share my answer with all congregation members, in addition to those who have asked it.
I believe celebrating Holy Communion each week enhances the value of this gift and makes it more readily accessible to those who need it. In fact, Martin Luther would have said there is no reason to have Worship if you do not observe the sacrament of Holy Communion. It is the reason that we come together, to gather around the table of our Lord and be fed from the blood and body of Jesus Christ.
I am passionate about what I am doing and the call that I believe Christ has placed on my life. I am driven to serve the Lord, yet all the while I strive to educate and be responsive to the needs of all God’s people.
So much has changed in the way we do things. And we will never be able to go back to the way it once was because people have been forever changed by societal awareness, new education, and family dynamics. Change is hard. But as Lutherans we are called to die to ourselves each day to allow Christ to reveal God’s self in our lives in a new way. Letting go of what once was, makes room for what will be. We have to be flexible at every curve to allow people to engage, participate, and find a way to feel part of the church even if they do not enter the threshold of the building as often as we would like.
Holy Communion and Baptism are the only two Lutheran sacraments. They are not rites, but absolutes. These are the gifts that bring us into Communion with God. As a soon to be Pastor and servant of God and under the authorization that I have been given by Bishop Dee Pedersen I cannot and will not deny someone the gift of Christ.
The wine and bread is the blood and body of Christ in, under, and above the elements. Through the blessing and power of the Holy Spirit it is really Jesus. Why would someone not want Jesus every week?
The act of worship is not complete without the meal that feeds us. We gather together to share in this meal, and we offer it to those who cannot be with us through our home deliveries. The weekly message and music are wonderful and Spirit-filled, but it is the Word and meal that transforms us and through it we become one with Christ!
Thank you for this question and the opportunity to teach. I encourage you to keep asking questions so we can continue to understand what we are doing and why. Please do not hesitate to talk with Pastor Steve or I about your concerns at any time. We are all in this journey together.
In great reverence for our Lord,
Vicar Sara
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